Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Be Encouraged

So my devotional reading today was so on point. I really have to make sure I start my day with a devotional reading because it really sets me up for the day. Lately, I have been forgetting to read before jumping into my day and then the when I do get a chance to read what I missed I am like man that really would have helped me earlier. I also think that I need to read each days reading a few times so the message can really sink in.

Take today for instance, in the Holy Bible app on my phone, I am reading Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life--a Daily Devotional (and today I read it a few times). The theme was What Do We Do? In it she said "no matter what's going on in our lives, the victory is in refusing to quit."

Amen to that.

Sometimes I want to quit. As a matter of fact a lot of times I do. But I think there is some real victory in not quitting when you really can hold on (maybe kicking and screaming but holding on nonetheless). We can really learn a lot from the craziness/crazy people that comes into our lives at times. We don't always see it when it's going on obviously, but I feel there is always a lesson. ALWAYS. Take a minute and think back on a challenging time. Can you think of a lesson you needed to learn that you got from whatever the challenge was. It stinks but we must grow.

Another point Meyer's made was "keep in mind that in the heat of our struggles, the Holy Spirit is probably doing His greatest work within us...This means being diligent in prayer, relentless in our resolve, unwavering in faith, and determined to stand firmly on God's Word and His promises to us."

Sometimes I am not so diligent but I believe diligence really is key. When I am really in the word daily, I can feel a difference. Sometimes a morning reading is not enough. I just put a small bible on my work desk today so I can open it whenever I sit down, even if it is only for a minute. I have learned to pray and talk to people at the same time so on that front I am good (and that has saved plenty of people from being told a lot of not so nice things about themselves hehe). My next challenge is to stay in the word so that it is the first thing that comes to mind when I am struggling.

Not quitting but victory.

Over the years I have gotten so much peace from praying and studying Gods word. Now I am more committed to being more diligent about studying his word so the growing pains don't bother me as much.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9


  1. It's a struggle for me. That "unwavering faith" is my biggest issue. I was just talking to a friend earlier about how sometimes I just give up. I struggled with faith because I felt like God gave up on me. Sometimes I just feel alone. Right now, I'm at at the worse time of my life. Yes, I've had some good come out of it but I'm still struggling. I'm looking at it in a different view (or at least trying to) that helps me out some but it's just a struggle. I thought about writing about my issues as a #31WriteNow topic we'll see. Apparently I'm not the only one with these issues. I've read several blogs in the last week that touched on some of the same issues I'm struggling with.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think we all go through issues with faith, stayauatralia. I know I certainly struggle during the hard times. Wrapping yourself into women of faith definitely helps.'im so sorry to hear that you are going through a hard time - I hate the dark periods! I think it's beautiful that you are seeking him in the midst of your troubles - that shows a lot about your faith! God will deliver you out of the storm - like everything this to shall pass or at least get a little easier.'

    2. Thank you stacyaustralia! We all struggle and I hope that the more we all talk about it and how we work through it, the better off we will all be. I'll be praying for you during this difficult time. Even when we can't understand it or it looks a hot mess, Gods hand is moving. You got this!

  2. Amen! This post is so on point in the best years of my life (some of which carried great personal struggle) the my coffee and Christ mornings were a must! I agree doing a morning devotional is key

  3. As someone who is not a morning person I am so happy to get up ten minutes earlier just to read the word and let it marinate. It's a struggle for me to run to the word but having a strong plan to read it has helped!
