Friday, May 29, 2015

Be the Light

So this has been in draft from for far to long--YIKES!! Since turning 30, I have been quite reflective. While most people dread this milestone, I welcomed it. I saw turning 30 as a fresh start to a new era in my life. I want to commit this next season of my life to being the light. There is a lot of darkness in the world and I want to press forward by being the light through this blog, through my work, and through my life.  I read this in my devotional a while ago. Indulge me as a belated birthday present will you? 

Here it is:

This devotional really challenged me to strive to be the light in particularly difficult situations. There will always be someone who could be doing a better job or someone who doesn't do what they are supposed to be doing. But instead of being critical in a way that is not constructive, I want to be the light. We all want Gods grace right? Even if I have to offer a kind word when I am at my whits end or when someone is working my last nerve it will honor God in spite of how I feel. As a 30 year old woman, I am in a whole new category. I am leading a new pack. I am now removed from the 20s and ready to help lead the charge.

Be the light wherever you are. You never know why God put you in a particular situation or place. Will you let his light shine or will you dim it? I challenge you to be the light.

Be lifted my friends. 

Journaling Bible. Be the Light of the World ~ Laura McCollough Bible Journaling

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