Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekend Ramblings

Lord knows I needed to hit the pause button this weekend. Today's cold weather and a looming cold and cough made me do just that. This week was a whirlwind of grad school and work craziness. By Friday, I felt like I had run a marathon. I hit the pause button and let my weekend translate into so relaxation and rejuvenation. I gave myself a blank check for real.

So, in the last day of my sharing is caring installment for this week here is the article 7 Choices To Survive The Toughest Of Times by Alice Hoffman. I have been having some rough patches these past few months and this article highlighted some things that I really need to do to weather the storm. I've had some amazing highs and brutal lows; but I really believe that all things work together for good so I will continue to press on and this article had some simple but great tips.

As we are wrapping up another year, I will be working on a few of these…some of which I am sure you have heard me say I would work on before but hey, I am a work in progress. Haven't you noticed?

Here are Hoffman's 7 choices that we should to make to survive:

1. Choose to enjoy yourself.
2. Choose whose advice you take.
3. Choose your relatives.
4. Choose how you spend your time.
5. Choose to accept sorrow.  
6. Choose to love who you are.
7. Choose something new.

Read the full article here for more details.

What choices have you made that have helped you weather your storms?  

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