Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Watch Out for the Curveball

I have come to realize that I don't always think good on the spot. Maybe you have been there before, you have walked into a classroom, meeting, doctor's office, etc. prepared and ready to go and then someone hits you with a curve ball that you didn't even see coming. Well that my friends, happened to me yesterday. Y'all I got hit straight in the face! I was able to recover in the moment a little bit but it wasn't until I read the word and had a moment to think that I really felt the sting of the curve ball subside. It is extremely important to take a moment when you are thrown a curve ball. I have gotten out of the habit of always needing to respond to something right away. Usually my initial reactions aren't very Christ-like (the Lord is still working on me) so I have to go with a good ole' "let me get back to you on that". I often check in with a trusted friend to make sure that I am not losing my mind and to help me weigh the pros and cons. But the most important thing is to stay in the word because I believe that is how we really hear Gods voice. Sometimes I wish it was more like the days of the burning bush--Lord if this is what you really mean go ahead give me a sign--lol. But those days are gone and we have to keep my mind clear so that I don't miss the sign (or try to change the plan to what I think it should be). This is so hard. Especially when people are testing us. But we can over come any curve ball because we know who is in charge of the master plan. 

Therefore, my prayer for all us while we are in the middle of the week is this:   
From the ReThink Life: 40 Day Devotional
I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. (Psalms 16:7 NLT)

Enjoy the rest of your week!

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