Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Bible Series

I am obsessed with the Bible miniseries. My husband bought it for me for mother's day after I only caught part of the series when it was on TV. I am obsessed with seeing bible stories I have read and heard about come to life (and not just in some cheesy movie either...this "movie" is legit). There were also a few stories that I had not heard of and I am super excited to have a fire lit under me to continue reading and learning God's word. I am also reading this book with my son:

Re-reading the word through his eyes is amazing. The message at last Sunday's service was about making sure we teach our children God's word and I plan to do just that by not just reading to him but by continuously learning the word for myself. You can never get enough Jesus right??

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path~Psalms 119:105

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