Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Life Is Too Short

I have so many drafts that I have been trying to finish up because I have so much to share from school, life, etc. I was all poised to post my fun post about wearing a red lipstick this morning but I learned that one of my beloved deacons, my brother in Christ and in Greekdom has died.

Initially, I was in denial. What were all these Facebook statuses about? Is this how we find out people have died these days? Surely they must have been about someone in my church that I did not know.

But then I saw his name.

I wanted to just call his phone and hear his voice to confirm there had been a mistake but I couldn't allow myself to call him and have him not answer. Didn't I just see him? Had I not planned to see him at church this weekend?

When I was younger and someone died in my old church, it did not affect me much. But at Calvary my church family is my family in Jersey. This man (and my other favorite deacon) taught me and my husband during our orientation classes when we first joined my church. I learned so much about being apart of the body of Christ through these men. He blessed my house when we first moved in. I remember him giving me our first bible for the new house and telling me "you write in it because your handwriting is neater". He always brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart. He was really like my big brother at the church. I loved his passion when he prayed and I loved when he did the welcome during worship. He loved the Lord and was a cool brother--and helped me see that cool people can be cool and love Jesus too.

Life is so short and so delicate. I have missed church a few Sundays so I am saddened that I didn't get to see him just one more time.  We never really know when someone will be called from this life to the next so we really have to seize every moment. I can hear him so clearly saying "hey sistah/hey family" and giving me big hug.

This weekend at my church is our big men's and women's demostration day weekend where we celebrate our growth as a church in the body of christ. All of our hearts will be heavy for our beloved brother but we know he is with our Father and we will see him again. He enriched my life in so many ways. I will never forget him. I pray for his mother, his family, and our church family.

Hug your babies, call/text your loved ones and friends.

Cherish every moment.

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